President's Message: Stephen I. Wasserman, MD

Stephen I. Wasserman, MD
ABAI President
Responding to Diplomate Concerns to Enact Positive Program Updates
Our Directors met in late April and there are a number of decisions they made that should impact you in a very positive way. As you might expect much of the meeting, held at the Westin O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont, IL, was focused on opportunities to improve Maintenance of Certification (MOC). As you know due to favorable market conditions we have been able to diminish the cost of our secure examinations by $200, and to now provide our peer/patient assessment tool and our Patient Safety modules free of charge.… (read more)
Notes from the Chair: Calman Prussin, M.D.

Calman Prussin, M.D.
ABAI Chair
It is both an honor and a huge responsibility to serve as the 2015 chair of the ABAI Board of Directors. The board has two major responsibilities, to formulate and implement the Board Certification and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) programs and to administer policy regarding ABAI certification. The number and complexity of issues affecting the practice of Allergy & Immunology has increased, which is similarly reflected in the increased workload of the ABAI, including MOC. Recently, MOC programs have been the subject of much discussion. As such, my words will focus on the ABAI MOC program. (read more)
ABAI Updated Medical License and CME Submission Procedures
In an effort to reduce the administrative burden on diplomates the ABAI Board of Directors voted at the Spring 2015 Board meeting that diplomates enrolled in the ABAI MOC Program will NO LONGER REQUIRED to submit copies of their medical license or CME certificates annually. … (read more)
Staff Spotlight - Nick Van Kuren

ABAI welcomed new Manager of Information Technology, Nick Van Kuren in July 2014 to oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of ABAI’s technology systems. A 2008 graduate of Bloomsburg University and current master’s candidate in Information Systems at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, Van Kuren brings more than 6 years of experience in systems analysis, data management, and web development. (read more)