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Message from the Chair on War in Ukraine


It is important to reflect on our obligations as physicians in troubling times such as these.

As physicians, we embrace all tenets of the Hippocratic Oath we took that started our careers in medicine. We are reminded of the following from that oath, “I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.”

The war in Ukraine is undeniably causing a horrific humanitarian crisis. In response to requests from many ABAI diplomates and members of the Board Directors, here are some organizations that provide help for those on the ground in Ukraine and for the refugees:

AMA President, Dr. Gerald Harmon states, “We join physicians everywhere – and especially in Ukraine – who are calling for an end to this war so we can work on healing the terrible damage already inflicted.” We as a Board wholeheartedly agree.

Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, MD, PhD
Chair, ABAI

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