2023 ABAI Board of Directors Annual Meeting Highlights
The ABAI Board of Directors held its annual meeting chaired by Dr. Princess Ogbogu November 3-4, 2023 in Palm Harbor, FL.

Directors pictured from left: Jeff Stokes, Aidan Long, Wanda Phipatanakul, John Oppenheimer, Mitchell Lester, Corinne Keet, Mariana Castells, Jeffrey Demain, Princess Ogbogu, Ted Freeman (TWC Chair), Michael Nelson, Jay Lieberman, Julie Wang, Giselle Mosnaim, Hal Hoffman, Theresa Bingemann and Dana Wallace
The ABAI Board of Directors held its annual meeting chaired by Dr. Princess Ogbogu November 3-4, 2023 in Palm Harbor, FL.
Highlights of Board deliberations and actions:
• Revision and modernization of the ABAI bylaws last updated 2015
• Approval of 2024 budget with no increase in diplomate fees for the 7th consecutive year
• Approval of the audit report and 990 for public release
• Election of new Directors for the 2024-2029 term:
o Miguel Angel-Park, MD
o Priya Bansal, MD
o Denise Diprimio-Kalman, DO
o Jessica Beth Perkins, MD
• Discussed the impact of the emergence of artificial intelligence on future allergy-immunology practice and assessments. The Board affirmed its decision to prohibit use of Artificial Intelligence by Diplomates during CAP assessments and by item writers during assessment development.
• Enlightening presentation by Emily Jakacki, Public Member Director, addressing challenges faced by hospital and health system leaders and the role of public voice in physician board certification governance
• Reviewed and approved Initial Certification Examination results including a 94% First Time Board Pass Rate and 91% Overall Board Pass Rate
• Reviewed the most recent CAP cycle results and diplomate feedback. In addition to a review of the overwhelmingly successful performance and favorable feedback on relevance, advancing knowledge and changing practice, the Board also discussed at great length diplomate feedback on number of articles, item timer and amount of CME credit provided by AAAAI and ACAAI.
• Received updates from leaders of the Test Writing Committee, Ambassador Program, as well as liaisons to the ABMS, ACGME Review Committee, ABIM and ABP.
ABAI is deeply committed to the many professionals who volunteer their time on the Board of Directors, Test Writing Committee and Ambassador Program for their dedication to the specialty and patients they serve. We are a model of professional self-regulation for the good and great.
ABAI is also proud of the expert staff led by Chelsey Williams who organized this flawless meeting. ABAI staff continue to provide expert personal support for our diplomates and Board operations throughout the year.
Michael R. Nelson, MD, PhD
President, ABAI