ABAI Welcomes Its Newest Diplomates

158 candidates were welcomed as new diplomates after successfully meeting all requirements for ABAI initial certification, including the initial certification exam.
Congratulations to all new diplomates on this achievement of meeting the highest standards for certification in the specialty of allergy and immunology.
Congratulations also to the approximately 80 allergy-immunology fellowship programs throughout the US and Canada, providing great training and preparing them for independent practice in clinical, academic, industry and regulatory professions. For the first time, new certified ABAI diplomates will receive a welcome package with not only their certificate, but a lapel pin and information easing their transition to diplomate status.
These diplomates will demonstrate their commitment to keeping up and improving health and healthcare, by participating in CAP and other elements of the continuing certification program beginning in January 2025. Annual fees are waived for first year diplomates.
The ABAI initial certification exam is a criterion referenced exam, enabling all takers the opportunity to pass. This year’s first-time taker pass rate was 94% and unchanged from the past two years. The overall pass rate was 90% for first-time and repeat takers. Key dates for the 2025 exam are available here.
Congratulations to our newest diplomates!
Michael Nelson, MD, PhD
President, ABAI