About the Board

Strategic Plan 2021 – 2026

The ABAI Board of Directors began a strategic planning process early in 2019 to identify organizational strategic priorities for 2021-2026. To embark on the first ever strategic plan with accountability in 2021 holds profound historical significance for ABAI. ABAI celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2021. An ambitious and accountable strategic plan is the perfect way to usher in the next 50 years of specialty board certification.

A Strategic Planning Subcommittee appointed by the Board began the process by conducting a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis, which served as the foundation for the identification of strategic priorities outlined in this strategic plan. This plan was further developed through active engagement of our many stakeholders.

This plan approved by the full Board of Directors in March 2021 will be instrumental in helping ABAI meet its mission and better serve diplomates, the public and all stakeholders.

For more information click here to download the strategic plan PDF.