Maintain Certification

Part IV: Practice Assessment / Quality Improvement

ABAI Quality Improvement Program

A practice assessment/quality improvement activity must be completed once every five years to help the physician investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific evidence and improve their practice of medicine (MOC Part IV).

Practice Assessment/Quality Improvement Activities

A practice assessment/quality improvement activity must be completed once every five years to help the physician investigate and evaluate their patient care practices, appraise and assimilate scientific evidence and improve their practice of medicine (MOC Part IV).

Diplomates will complete one of the following activity options in order to satisfy the Part IV requirement of MOC.

  • AAAAI Internet Point-of-Care Learning 2025

    The AAAAI’s Internet Point-of-Care Learning 2025 is an online educational tool, geared toward assisting physicians when they are faced with a patient care question that requires research. For additional information click here.

    To receive MOC Part IV credit, the following must be completed:

    • A minimum of 5 challenges or questions (identify, research and document) must be completed within a single calendar year (Jan 1 thru Dec 31)
    • These searches must be completed within any year during your current 5 year MOC cycle to be considered.
    • The AAAAI will forward completion data to the ABAI quarterly.
    **To ensure review/approval of MOC Part IV credit prior to yearend (December 31st) for diplomates in the last year of their CAP cycle or certification, all MOC requests must be entered into the AAAAI system by September 30th. Request entered after September 30th may not be processed by the end of the year.
  • AAAAI QCDR (Quality Clinical Data Registry)

    With the AAAAI Registry you can satisfy:

    • MOC Credits for CME Activities: The AAAAI Registry has been approved for MOC Part IV for up to 20 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credits™. Requirement details
    • Three Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) categories: In 2018, Quality, Promoting Interoperability (formerly known as Advancing Care Information) and Clinical Practice Improvement Activity (CPIA) compromise 90% of the composite performance score.
    • The AAAAI Registry can help you to fulfill these requirements.
    • The AAAAI Registry offers either individual or group reporting options for groups of 2 or more eligible providers.
  • Applying Choosing Wisely® Recommendations

    Applying Choosing Wisely® Recommendations is an online education series consisting of three courses that include virtual patients and complementary resources. The goal of the course series is to support A/I professionals in their application of specific Choosing Wisely® recommendations. The recommendations have been set forth by the AAAAI in conjunction with the ABIM Foundation.

    *All three courses in Applying Choosing Wisely® Recommendations series must be completed for MOC Part IV credit.

    Please click here to learn more about, register for, or continue working on Applying Choosing Wisely® Recommendations.

  • EQIPP: Immunizations

    This eQIPP module is an online interactive educational activity designed to help pediatricians improve the care they provide to their patients. Please click here to learn more about, register for, or continue working on the eQIPP.

  • EQIPP: Asthma

    This EQIPP module is an online interactive educational activity designed to help pediatricians improve the care they provide to their patients. Please click here to learn more about, register for, or continue working on the EQIPP.

  • Medical Home for Pediatric Primary Care (eQIPP)

    This eQIPP module is an online interactive educational activity designed to help pediatricians improve the care they provide to their patients. Please click here to learn more about, register for, or continue working on the eQIPP.

  • New Horizon of Atopic Dermatitis Therapy

    Patients with atopic dermatitis struggle with ongoing challenges when trying to manage this chronic condition. Their symptoms can be disruptive, and some treatments can cause new problems for them to handle. Patients with skin of color often face unique challenges caused by missed diagnoses and negative side effects of traditional treatments. New therapeutic agents, including biologics and JAK inhibitors, can help these patients to manage their symptoms without the negative side effects they have experienced with other treatments, but appropriate use of these new therapies presents its own set of challenges.

    A New Horizon of Atopic Dermatitis Therapy was designed by a multidisciplinary team of allergist/immunologists, dermatologists, advanced practitioners, and patients to help allergist/immunologists and dermatologists, as well as advanced practitioners and nurses working in these clinical settings, to support their patients with atopic dermatitis to navigate the new treatment options that are now available, while incorporating patients and their quality of life concerns in the process of selecting the best therapy for each patient.

    The 30 day wait period and follow-up assessment must be competed in order to satisfy the MOC Practice Assessment Quality Improvement requirement. Activity completion will be directly reported to ABAI quarterly and you do not need to send a copy of your completion certificate.

    For addition information click here.

  • Providing Enhanced Medical Support for PID Patients

    The course consists of four brief online modules that cover best practices for communicating with patients and links to patient and practitioner resources. It includes a pre-test, to measure your baseline knowledge; modules on recognizing the symptoms of PIDD and effective strategies for providing care to PIDD patients using telemedicine; and two patient case simulations, where you can practice your diagnostic and treatment skills. Return 30 days later to complete a post-course assessment to complete the quality improvement activity for MOC Part IV. Please click here to learn more, register for or continue working on Providing Enhanced Medical Support for PID Patients.

  • Virtual Quality Improvement with Simulated Data: Performance Improvement Module

    To earn MOC Part IV credit, diplomates must demonstrate their knowledge of quality improvement principles and methods through the successful completion of:

    • A 25-item multiple choice self-assessment on quality improvement (passing score 100% unlimited attempts)
    • Quality improvement simulations in two different topic areas (Improving Group A Streptococcus Pharyngitis Management; Improving Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) Rates; Improving Consenting Patients Process for Research or Decision-Making; Improving Access and Efficiency to Healthcare)
    • A self-reflection
    • An activity feedback survey to examine what you have learned about quality improvement through the module

    **Module completions are reported directly ABAI.**

    Please click here for additional information, register for the PIM or continue working on the PIM

  • Alternatives to Practice Assessment Quality/Improvement Modules

    ABAI recognizes there are many avenues in which MOC Part IV credit can be awarded and has recently approved numerous activities for MOC Part IV credit. Diplomates can earn Part IV credit for activities being performed on a regular basis. These activities range from the ABAI Mentorship/Supervision Module, Service to the Profession, Service to Improve Safety and Patient Care, Development and Transmission of Knowledge and Service for Self-Improvement.

    If you have an activity (with supporting documentation) that has met the goals of process improvement and it is not listed, ABAI will review these activities on a case by case basis.

    ** PLEASE NOTE: All activities must have been completed within your current 5 year MOC cycle. To ensure review/approval of your request for MOC Part IV credit prior to yearend (December 31st), all paperwork must be received at the ABAI office by October 1st.  Request received after October 1st may not be processed by the end of the year.

    Click here to view the list of activities.

  • Atopic Dermatitis (AD)

    The ACAAI online Practice Improvement course for Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is designed to help practicing allergist/immunologists improve the quality of care for their patients with atopic dermatitis. This course fulfills the American Board of Allergy and Immunology (ABAI) Quality Improvement requirement and will grant Part IV Maintenance of Certification (MOC) credit. This activity is free.

  • Oral Food Challenge Series

    The oral food challenge (OFC) series is made up of three separate courses: Part 1: Patient Selection and Preparation, Part 2: Space, Supplies and Process and Part 3: Patient Case Scenarios. This series serves as an important tool for the practicing allergist caring for patients of all ages with concern for food allergy, and it is the gold standard to diagnose food allergy and evaluate for the development of tolerance. This module reviews the actions, environment and staff required to safely conduct an OFC in the office setting. This series offers 2.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. MOC Part IV is also available if all 3 modules are completed (click here for additional information).